Baseline to Birthright

Program Goals

  1. Deepen your relationship with the Earth

  2. Strengthen the voice of your authentic self

  3. Develop confidence and courage for transformation

  4. Identify beliefs and behaviors that limit growth

  5. Cultivate the skills that establish habits of health and harmony

  6. Trust your inner vision to be your best guide and advocate

  7. Become the creator you’re meant to be

Reconnect to Your Essence and Let Nature Be Your Guide.


Shelter holds the first place in the sacred order of survival and for good reason. In order for us to become the creators we inherently are, we must first look deep at the personal shelters we’ve built. What are our foundations and what shape are they in. When visiting this vast place we will explore not only the external and physical; persons, places and things in our lives, but we will also journey into the internal realm to examine the shelters that reside within us.


Water shows us the wisdom of memory, movement and flow. Here we explore how stillness and speed are partners of power, gained from a quiet mind. In becoming the way of water we cultivate the ability to cleanse ourselves from the inside out. We learn to let go. All life that’s ever lived on Earth used the same waters we use today. This regenerative cycle connects us to the larger cycles of existence and reminds us how much our legacies matter.


Passion. Love. Warmth. Safety. Spirited. Fierce. Explosive. Danger. The fire keeper is a sacred role to hold. How we relate to a fire is all about the perspective we view it from. When in control we revere the fire. When not in control we recognize its’ unbridled force. What does it mean to keep the spark alive? How do we avoid burnt out? How are you tending your inner fire? Those who know how to master their internal flame can cross the veil of the alchemist.


Nourishment to sustain a thriving life begins with our relationship to food and expands to our sense of self worth, our perceived potential and patterns of belief. When discussing food we will explore our bio-individuality and develop our communication to hear the needs of our whole self; body, mind, spirit, and soul. From that place of balance, we can develop dynamic diets that shift with our lives and our nutrition becomes fuel for empowerment.

Backed by Cutting-Edge Science

Did you know?

It takes an average of 17 years, for the medical research of today to trickle into clinical practices and educational institutions. Whoa.

When it comes to your health, do you want to wait two decades to hear what science knows now? Didn’t think so.

That’s why Sirius Health brings you the most current science from around the planet. Rest assured you’ll be receiving the future of health care now.

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Your heart has a mind of its’ own!

Literally. With over 40,000 neurons your heart thinks, feels, remembers, and makes decisions all on its’ own. It produces the largest electromagnetic field of the body, which is 60 times greater in amplitude and 5000 times the magnetic strength of the brain. How do we actually relate to the world, well, this changes everything.

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Daily dose of nature.

Research shows that spending 20 minutes a day in nature is the minimum effective dose to dramatically reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

What’s cool is that you can be anywhere that you feel connected to nature, like your back yard or a nearby park.

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One Program. Two ways to connect.

The one on one environment is all about you being heard and seen. It’s about you having the space you need to feel safe, free and honest to experience a personalized journey for reaching your goals.

We will go through the core concepts, but you are the designer of this journey. This is not a one-size-fits-all program. This is where you step onto your sacred path to whole health. I listen to your needs and desires and that’s where we begin.

I will guide the development of your tracking and awareness skills and provide support as you identify the connections to lifestyle, mindset and behavior. Together we will develop a unique action plan tailored to the specifics you need to make lasting changes.

In addition to our live meetings, you will also receive a weekly video with homework exercises and supporting content to keep you engaged and on track to succeed.

One on One Coaching

For the 1:1 program, it’s important to honor the both of us and find out if we will make a great team. Please book a free consultation so that we can meet and discuss your goals.

Group Coaching

The group environment celebrates strength in numbers. Here you will feel inspired and supported from shared perspectives and group accountability. Each individual will have a unique, personalized journey while also experiencing the power of group connection.

The core concepts provide the framework for our sessions, but the trajectory is decided by the group interaction. No two groups will ever be the same.

This program is based on doing and interacting. You will receive a weekly video with homework exercises to be done individually, outside of our live coaching time. The exercises are adaptable so you can focus on your goals and get exactly what you need. During our meetings everyone will debrief their experiences and insights while receiving direct coaching support.

Be seen. Be heard. Be honest. Join the pack.

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”

- Helen Keller (1888-1968)

The Map - How We Get There

We define our baseline through tracking ourselves. Learning to live the sacred question starts us on the journey of healing and into our true, whole self.

Who are you now and who do you want to become? We define our future and begin to plot your personal map.

Step 1 - Baseline

Knowledge without experience keeps you stuck in the mind. Experience without awareness keeps you stuck in the body. Knowledge + experience + awareness = wisdom.

Awareness is a choice. It’s a skill we cultivate to keep us safe and set us free.

Step 2 - Awareness

Our mindsets and behaviors create our habits, and our habits create our lifestyle, which determines the quality and satisfaction of our life.

From a place of wisdom and self worth, we shed unwanted habits and forge new roads on the map of your journey.

Step 3 - Habits

Your birthright is your place of power. It’s the doorway to your full potential. Where you are sacred, sovereign and magical.

It’s here where you empower your journey, and connect the creator in you with the Great Mystery and Creator of all.

Step 4 - Birthright

The Details


Baseline to Birthright is a 4 month program for both the one on one and group formats. We will meet every other week for a total of 8 sessions. There will be a scheduled break and holidays weeks off. Each session will take place at the same time and day of the week for the entire program. This schedule prioritizes a commitment to your health and builds consistency for lasting results. It’s also an act of self sovereignty.


The one on one program is $2998 with an option to pay in two installments of $1499.

The group program is $1598 with an option to pay in two installments of $799.

Scholarships are also available for those in need. Please contact me for details.


We will meet virtually through my private platform, that uses Zoom in accordance with HIPAA regulations. In addition you will have a personal account with the client portal where we can securely share information and you can access weekly modules, videos and other supporting materials included in the program.

If you are local or visiting central Vermont, I’m happy to meet with you in person at my studio.

The Deal

My Commitment

My top priority is to your health. I want the very best life for you. That’s why I’m prepared to give you my absolute best. I promise to show up fully present to my greatest capacity for you and create a safe, judgement-free environment for speaking truth and nurturing growth. My time is precious and so is yours. I’ll make sure each moment counts by being honest with you and asking you to do the same.

Your Commitment

You’re ready for the leap. You want to go for it and feel your feet on the path. Most importantly, you’re willing to do the work, because you’re ready for results. You understand that this program requires a commitment to honest self-reflection combined with an intention to change. You’re ready to be responsible for yourself, refusing to allow anyone or anything stand in the way of the success you deserve.